Date: 02-10-2021
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Topic: Addressing Microaggressions and Discrimination
Presenter: Dr. Celeste Malone
Presenter Bio: Dr. Celeste Malone is an assistant professor and coordinator for the school psychology program at Howard University. She received her PhD in school psychology from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. As part of her clinical training, she completed her predoctoral internship at the Baltimore Lab School and a postdoctoral fellowship in child clinical and pediatric psychology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Prior to obtaining her doctorate, Dr. Malone received her MS in school counseling from Johns Hopkins University. Her research focuses on multicultural and diversity issues embedded in the training and practice of school psychology and her dissertation examined the personal and professional characteristics related to the development of multicultural competence in school psychology trainees. Dr. Malone is extremely active in psychology professional associations; her professional memberships include the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), the Maryland School Psychology Association (MSPA), the American Psychological Association (APA) and three divisions in the Association (2, 16, 45). Dr. Malone was recently appointed to the NASP Board of Directors as the strategic liaison for professional information services. Prior to that appointment, she served as the co-chair of the NASP Leadership Development Committee. In addition to her leadership activities with NASP, Dr. Malone is a member of the APA Board of Educational Affairs and serves on the editorial board for APA Division 16 (School Psychology) newsletter The School Psychologist
Program Description:
Positive school climate, or the quality and character of school life, is associated with student success. However, students from racial and ethnic minoritized groups are more likely to experience negative school climates, possibly due to experiencing microaggressions and other forms of discrimination at school. The purpose of this session to increase school psychologists’ knowledge of microaggressions, examine the role racial microaggressions may play in shaping minoritized students’ perceptions of school climate, and provide school psychologists with recommendations to address microaggressions and school racial climate.