Children and Grief: Cultural Perspectives and Theoretical and Practical Approaches

Posted: January 30, 2017

Program Description

This three-hour program explores cultural and historical aspects of grief and introduces some of the latest cutting-edge research-based theories on grief, especially as they apply to children and teens developmentally.  Practical implications of these theories are also explored. There is time for interaction and discussion as well.

Learning Objectives

  1. To examine the social/cultural construction of grief
  2. To explore past and current grief theory
  3. To examine factors that influence grief and how grief manifests developmentally
  4. To provide practical suggestions around children & grief
  5. To provide time for discussion, dialogue and questions

FEE: Members – Free ($75 yearly membership payable to DCASP), Guests – $25 payable at meeting.

For Act 48 credits please register on WebReg/My Learning Plan. The fee for Act 48 credits is $15, which can only be paid online through WebReg/My Learning Plan. If you do not require ACT48 credits, you do not need to register for this event.

Click Here to Register for Act48 Credits.

FOR INFORMATION: Call 215-853-1499 or email: [email protected]

NOTE:  The Delaware County Association of School Psychologists is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology to offer continuing education for psychologists. The Delaware County Association of School Psychologists maintains responsibility for the program(s). Certificates for three contact hours will be available.

Posted In: Event Archives